Our Story

We love to cook and love to feed. I began investigating it and exploring.

We cook fresh food at home. Place your order anytime by 11am and collect it between 3:30pm to 9pm - whether you are on your way home from work, gym, airport, meetings, children's' activities, late meetings, unexpected guests, hands full with a newborn or if you just don't fancy cooking at home and need a treat.

Whatever your reason – our aim is to provide good home cooked food so it makes your life a lot easier



Maa's Best

We love to, cook and love to feed.

Help people through my services, gives me an opportunity to connect with new people.

When I was working long hours, and with two young children, I often found myself too tired to cook so I tried to find an easier option whether it was making simple egg toast, taking out frozen ready meals out of the freezer or picking up takeaways (which wasn't always cost effective!). I always thought that I would be more prepared for tomorrow and found myself back in the same routine. Feeling stuck in this routine made me realise it was not good for me and my family.

I left my fulltime job 2 years ago and tried doing various different things to have my own business, but nothing felt quiet satisfying. However, during this period as I was my own boss, I started spending more time in the kitchen and realised how happy it made me feel to cook and feed. Whenever I would have guests over they always appreciated and complimented the food that I made for them.

One day It occurred to me why don't I make home cooked food available to others who are short of time and resources but still would like to eat healthy. I think I fell asleep with this idea and had a dream, that showed me the complete model of Maa's Best – when I woke up I was in awe of what I has just witnessed and was extremely excited about the idea.

I have never felt so motivated in life, I started looking into it and researching, After a lot of courage and motivation I kept going and I took the first step no matter the obstacles in my way. The task list was so long but deep down my motivation did not die down and I kept moving forward and today with everyone's support around me, here I am with ….. Maa's Best

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