What is ground cardamom spice ?

What is ground cardamom spice

What is ground cardamom spice ?

Cardamom is made from seed pods of the plant belonging to the ginger family. The pods are spindle-shaped and have a triangular cross-section. The entire pod contains seeds, which are used in preparing many recipes. 

It is one of the spices used in the preparation of Indian curries and is a key ingredient of the Indian garam masala. The herb has a strong pungent aroma and a complex flavour. It is added to many varieties of bread and pastries.

In Ayurveda, many healing compositions are prepared using cardamom. It goes well with cloves, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon and other aromatic spices. It can also be added to meats, fruits, legumes and grains. It is added to confectionaries and even to spicy recipes. 

It is also used in making tea, coffee and other types of beverages. It does not contain caffeine and can neutralize the stimulant effects of caffeine, and is often taken to calm down nerves and to reduce nausea.




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